Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Krillion is making summer time easier...

"Summertime and the living is easy". Well, that's what the song says. The truth, however, can be a little different. Summertime is anything but easy for refrigerator owners who are noticing their appliances aren't quite performing up to snuff now that the mercury is making its way up the thermometer. Summer temperatures put a strain on refrigerator compressors and many machines make their last tray of ice before sputtering out for good during this time of year.

So, where does one find a new refrigerator. Although many people search for product information online, most end up buying appliances from local retailers. Krillion, a relatively new company, is trying to make that process as easy as possible for those on the lookout for new appliances. The Krillion Localization Engine allows people to do their research online and then find local businesses who are selling the right products at the right prices. Now you can choose from among all of those great new General Electric refrigerators during your online research and then actually find the right one locally without experiencing the usual headache!

Now, all of that online research won't be wasted when you get to the store only to find that the make and model you wanted aren't available or aren't offered at the price you wanted. You'll have all the info you need to make your summertime a little bit easier, thanks to Krillion.

Pet Hoarder Had Puggle

You may have heard the recent news about the New Jersey animal hoarder whose whom was stuffed with a veritable menagerie, including twenty-four large exotic birds. This individual, who likely suffers from a mental illness, created a situation that the family could no longer tolerate.

Fortunately, it doesn't appear as if the guy was mistreating the animals. The birds, for instance, were all found in clean, well-kept cages. That's good news, because many hoarders are unable to care for their compulsively-collected "mini farms".

The puggle tie-in?

It wasn't just birds in Cumberland County. The gentleman in question had dogs, too--including a puggle. According to a article, the puggle is currently available for adoption.

Here's hoping that all of the feathered and furry friends find great new homes. And that the hoarder finds the help he needs, too!

Love Your Puggle During the Dog Days...

Hey, folks. I know this isn't a big newsflash or anything, but it is getting HOT out there.

Summer time is a great time for outdoor fun and frolic with your favorite designer dog, but it's also an extremely dangerous time, too. I'm sure you've been thinking about it ever since things started to warm up, but I feel obliged to remind everyone to pay close attention to the care and handling of their puggles during the summer months.

Remember, your dog needs hydration and can suffer from heat stroke when things get a little too hot out there. Many pets die every year from completely preventable causes related to summer heat, and I'd hate to see your puggle on the list.

So, think about it! Now that it's hot, it's time for you to step up and take care of your puggle!

Oh, and don't forget--you should be wearing sunscreen! :-)