Monday, June 26, 2006
So, you are ready to get hitched? The engagement might just be the most critical time in terms of having a great wedding! That’s because the time between agreeing to be husband and wife and sealing the deal represents your window of opportunity to save for the big day.
It used to be that you could count on the bride’s family picking up the wedding tab, but that tradition is rapidly disappearing. The groom’s family is often in on the act these days, as is the couple themselves.
The trick is to find out how much money you can expect from the two families, how much your wedding is going to cost and then how you can come up with the difference. In order to avoid weddings that lack the essentials because of poor planning, it is important to approach this matter carefully.
Did you know that the average 150-guest wedding is currently pricing out at almost $25K? That represents a great deal of savings ground to cover during an engagement, depending upon parental support levels. You will have to find a way to pay for everything from wedding cameras to the officiant to the cake to the bride’s gown!
If you aren’t good with budgeting, now is the time to learn some skills.
It can be a daunting task, but it can be done! Millions of people are married each and every year, after all. You will simply need to approach the matter seriously and carefully while never losing track of what is truly important.