Thursday, November 05, 2009

Before You Buy a Puppy: Three Things to Consider

Before you buy a puppy, you need to do a little soul-searching. You also need to consider a few practical issues. Failing to do so can result in an unmitigated disaster.

Are You in This for the Long Haul?

This is the first question you need to ask yourself. It's also the most important. Owning a puppy isn't a short-term proposition. Those little cuties quickly become full-fledged dogs with (hopefully) long lifespans. When you buy a puppy, you take on the responsibility for their long-term well-being and happiness.

So, ask yourself: Are you ready for this commitment? Think about your life and what's coming up over the next several years. Are you prepared to do what it takes to be in a position to care for the dog and to do what it takes to be a top-notch pet owner for several years?

If you're hesitant to do anything other than scream "YES," it may be a sign that you need to think long and hard before checking out the wonderful puppies for sale.

Look, puppies are incredibly cute. The idea of adding a canine buddy to your life undoubtedly sounds wonderful. However, that huge upside comes with a long-term commitment. If you think it would nice to have a puppy now, that's great. But you need to be 100% sure that you're ready to have a dog for the long haul.

Can You Afford a New Friend?

Money. It's an inescapable component of dog ownership. If you're constantly on the brink of poverty or are just having a somewhat tough time of making ends meet, it might not be wise to invest in a puppy. Owning a pet comes with a full slate of expenses and you're not going to have a choice about making those purchases.

Veterinarians aren't charitable organizations--they charge a pretty penny for their services. You may have bills for licensing and required shots. Spaying or neutering your pet is a necessity and it's going to cost money, too. Plus, dogs have a voracious appetite. You're going to be adding "dog food" to your grocery list for years and years to come.

Can you handle those expenses? Are you sure? If you're on the edge, you may want to wait until you've achieved a little more financial stability before buying a puppy.

Can You Provide the Optimal Lifestyle?

Before you purchase a puppy, you need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you'll have the time, energy and surroundings necessary to provide it with a great life.

Dogs are social creatures. They don't just crave companionship, they need it to be healthy and happy. That means you need to be there to spend time with your pet. Your relationship can't be a one-way street where you enjoy the dog on your timetable! Think about your schedule and commitments and be certain that you can spend time training, playing, grooming and just plain "being" with your new family member before you start looking at the various dogs for sale.

Space is a factor, too. Your puppy will need outdoor time, exercise and the appropriate amount of room to roam. Keeping a dog cooped up in an area that's too small for too long isn't just annoying, it's downright cruel. You need to have what it takes in terms of space to meet the needs of the puppy you choose.

Are you ready for a puppy? If you are ready to make a commitment, have the necessary resources and are capable of providing the animal with an appropriate lifestyle, it may be time to add a puppy to your family! You can check out sites like to find your ideal companion.

If, on the other hand, you're not sure you're prepared on all three fronts, take a step back and carefully consider the decision.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Dancing Puggle Video

What do you get when you combine a rubber foot, a computer, dance music and a puggle name Dixie? Film history.

Okay, maybe not. But you do end up with a fun diversion. Dixie's owners coaxed the puggle pup to do a little dance routine and they caught the action on video.

Yeah, the video is grainy and sure, the puggle's dance appears assisted in places. There's a little too much rubber foot at the beginning. The lighting could be better, too. Dixie's owners don't appear to be part of the Spielberg or Scorcese families. They do, however, have a very cute puppy and there's nothing like a puggle doing a jig to put a smile on your face.

Check out the dancing puggle, soon to be a YouTube sensation (at least among puggle fans).

Find a Puggle!

Considering the purchase of a puggle but don't know where to start? Hey, that's understandable. Your local pet shop probably doesn't have dozens of them lounging around and working the Yellow Pages can be a hit-or-miss proposition.

I can't vouch for the results or the vendors, but I did find what appears to be a nifty way of finding a puggle puppy. You can go to, search for puggles and peruse the results.

I did a puggle search and it came up with dozens of available puppies offered at a range of different prices. This might be the perfect way to hook up with your future best friend. If you're planning on puggle shopping, I'd take a long look at the site.

Cutest Puggle Pictures

As you've probably noticed, I like to supply the occasional puggle picture for your enjoyment and puppy edification. My efforts, however, pale in comparison to what's happening at

This massive puggle site features a cool area for cute puggle pictures. Not only do they show the cuties, they also allow visitors to vote for their favorites. Thus, if you head on over there you can see the Rebel, a Michigan puggle pup, and why he's #1 on the charts.

Personally, I'm partial to Henry of New York. Who's your favorite?

Check out the cutest of cute puggles here!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Figuring Out What Works...

Ever been in this situation?

You know you want a product to handle a specific need. Let's say, for instance, that you're experiencing hot flashes and you'd like to put an end to them. You hop on over to Google and search for something that might help. You find about a million hot flash remedies but you have no idea if one is any better than the other.

So, what do you do? You either make a gut decision and risk wasting your money or you spend hours upon hours conducting your own research. Either way, it stinks. The alternative is putting up with the hot flashes, which is just as rotten. wants things to run differently. These folks organize various products and allow you to compare and contrast between them simply and easily.

So, you're losing your hair, buddy. What are you going to do? Buy some of that provillus or maybe go after an rx for rogaine? What about those other solutions, salves, balms, conditioners, shampoos, pills and miracle cures? Any of them worth a hoot? TrustSource will tell you. They'll give you accurate product descriptions and real user reviews to help guide your decisionmaking.

If you happen to be part of the fairer sex and have noticed a little bit of thigh bumpiness, it might be time to think about some cellulite cream. I just googled "cellulite cream". Over 1.3 million results. Good luck finding the right product on your own. TrustSource, on the other hand will break it all down so you can find the right route to slimmer, smoother legs.

It's a great idea and the execution is top-notch, too. It's a great way to improve your online product selection and shopping.