Friday, October 27, 2006

Number Six? Puggle in the Six Slot? Unbelievable.

I stumbled upon this random blog by some person who is totally kicking it blogger old school. You know, back in the day, blogs were just crazy personal journals where people would share Whatever with Whoever without a real consistent theme or anything, etc. That is so totally the case with this one.

Anyway, it featured a list of the top ten types of dogs. Puggles came in at #6. SIXTH, you gotta be kidding. Maybe like #1? That might be a little more reasonable, don't you think?

Hey, how could rank a puggle, the cutest of all of God's creations, behind the brandy-toting, slobbering St. Bernard? Be real.

To the listmaker's credit, he/she does note that the blog's about opinion, not fact. The opinion re: the Awesomeness of Puggles, however is wrong.

#1, people. Puggles are CLEARLY #1!