Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Puggle owner's bane...The dirty carpet...

Having a pet puggle usually means needing an eventual carpet cleaning. Those cuties do have occasional accidents and even the most stain-resistant floor coverings eventually succumb to the stresses and messes of puggle ownership.

Although you could rent a do-it-yourself carpet cleaner, you will probably get better results by hiring a professional carpet service. Bringing in the big guns insures a cleaner carpet. The pros have better equipment, a greater selection of stain removal products and carpet treatments, and years of experience.

Compare and contrast these two options. You can spend a few bucks at your local grocery store to rent a carpet cleaner and to buy some cleaning products for it. You can then schlep that equipment home, spend the day scrubbing at your rugs and experience potentially mediocre results.

Alternatively, you can call someone like A-1 Carpet Services, Inc. This Arizona operation will come out with their commercial-grade gear, clean your carpet until it looks like new, and will even guarantee their work. A-1's been around for over fifty years and offers an amazing policy where they state that you will get the best carpet cleaning you've experienced or you won't have to pay a dime.

Better cleaning. Fewer hassles. A quality guarantee.

Obvious choice, puggle owners. If you need to clean the carpets, call a pro!