Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Love Your Puggle During the Dog Days...

Hey, folks. I know this isn't a big newsflash or anything, but it is getting HOT out there.

Summer time is a great time for outdoor fun and frolic with your favorite designer dog, but it's also an extremely dangerous time, too. I'm sure you've been thinking about it ever since things started to warm up, but I feel obliged to remind everyone to pay close attention to the care and handling of their puggles during the summer months.

Remember, your dog needs hydration and can suffer from heat stroke when things get a little too hot out there. Many pets die every year from completely preventable causes related to summer heat, and I'd hate to see your puggle on the list.

So, think about it! Now that it's hot, it's time for you to step up and take care of your puggle!

Oh, and don't forget--you should be wearing sunscreen! :-)