Monday, August 27, 2007

Amish Puggles...And a little irony, too...

Buying a puggle can be tough. Not every breeder does an A+ job. Some of them are downright evil. You certainly don't want to support the evil mills. You don't want a sick dog. You don't want a dog who has been victimized. Wouldn't it be nice if you could find a puppy bred by a loving group of folks who seem millions and millions of miles away from even being remotely likely to engage in unsavory behavior?

I found a breeder (or, more accurately, a marketing arm tied to a breeder) that would seem to fit the bill. Amish Puggle Puppies. Here's an example of what their site has to say:

"We only sell Amish raised puppies. The Amish are known for their wholesome life style. They use no cars, computers and electricity and do not pollute the environment. They are also well known for their integrity and honesty. They keep their word because they have deep spiritual beliefs, and know that "God Is Watching."

Please note: This isn't an ad for this outfit. It's not an endorsement. It's just a few of my observations. It certainly sounds good, but you have to wonder about one thing... The Amish and the idea of websites don't really mix. The notion of folks who don't even like the idea of zippers backing a website to sell dogs seems a bit incongruous to me.

Now, as noted, the site isn't actually operated by anyone proclaiming to be Amish. They just get the pups from Amish folk and sell them themselves. I don't know if that cuts against the "God is Watching" claims or not. This could be the best thing since sliced bread.

Just an interesting find in Puggle Land!