Sunday, September 02, 2007

Fun Puggle Gear

An online entrepreneur has developed a great line of puggle merchandise through I wish I was getting a cut for referring potential buyers here, because I'm about to give a rave and unsolicited recommendation to puggle fans to check out PUGGLE: Obey the pure breed!

It's kitschy stuff with a real sense of humor--a great deviation from the folksy artsy craftsy kind of stuff that dominates most dog-related fashion and knick-knackery. There's a bit of propaganda poster in the whole affair and the material was designed by someone who clearly has no problem keeping his or her tongue firmly embedded in cheek.

If you're looking for some cooler than cool puggle gear, this joint should probably be on your list of places to stop and take a gander.

Now, I've been known to accept some of the good ol' filthy lucre in exchange for my blog posts (see the Disclosure Statement), but in this case my pimpin' is free. This is a completely unsolicited observation about some really great stuff. Check it out.