Sunday, November 20, 2005

Annoyed by anti-Puggle Idiocy

OK, that last puggle picture link I provided was a snapshot that came out of a Columbia Journalism Review article. It's a relatively even-handed overview of the puggle phenomenon and includes a discussion about the potential benefits, and potential problems with mixed breed dogs.

Included in the article was this little dandy:

"It's a mutt and people are spending $800 to $1,000 for the thing," said Patty Staub of Virginia, who has bred beagles for 40 years. She says crossbreeding such different dogs to eliminate unwanted traits is a disgusting idea. "That's like saying I'm going to cut off a basketball player at the knees so he can fit through the door," she said. "These people have no idea what it takes to make a good breed."

Let me come right out and say it. I am annoyed by this comment and believe Patty Staub of Virginia is being idiotic. Here's why:

No one is taking already-live puppies and mutilating their bodies in a way that takes from them part of their primary function. No one is saying, "hey, let's saw off a dogs freaking legs to make him shorter."

If someone was advocating taking live dogs and chopping them up, I suppose that would be a bad thing. Breeding puggle pups, however, falls a wee bit short of that, don't ya think, Patty "I Failed to Construct an Even Remotely Workable Analogy" Staub.

Additionally, breeding to eliminate unwanted traits is apparently not that bad of thing for Patty when she bends over backwards to produce those wonderful show beagles with their AKC paperwork. I am sure she is probably pretty particular about having her pups gene pool kept just-so as she acts as a genetic mastermind seeking the perfect pure-bred beagle. You see, the only time doggy eugenics becomes an issue for folks like Patty Staub is when they find their income at risk, I'm guessing.

Did you know, for instance, that puggles are bringing more $$$ than purebred beagles right now? Or that puggles are simply out-selling beagles by a HUGE margin? Hmmm.... Wonder if that's what has Patty "I Breed Beagles and am Losing Money to these Puggles" Staub so upset? You think that might be a part of it.

It amazes me how high and mighty the purebred crowd gets over this mixed breed thing. You never ever ever ever hear them complaining about all of the mutts out there that millions of people love and keep as housepets. Never. They don't gripe about that at all. Why? Because your average mutt doesn't hurt their dog-breeding business, that's why.

But as soon as a mixed breed emerges that is an economic threat, all of the sudden it becomes hyper-critical to maintain the bloodlines.

Anyone who cannot see through that nonsense is just as weak in their logic skills as Patty "I Care About Making Good Breeds Only When Doing So Helps Protect My Livelihood" Staub.

Prediction: Puggles remain ultra-popular and Staub is suddenly out buying some stud pugs to bring home to the kennel.

Hey, I am not saying there aren't a few legitimate arguments to be had on this issue, but I am saying that comparing breeding a puggle to an intentional attempt at severing the limbs off a living human is a wee bit of a stretch.

The full article is here.